The Apotheosis of St. Rupert

Church of St. Rupert, Weißpriach, Austria

St. Rupert rises on a cloud toward God in Heaven, who is symbolized by the triangle with the eye. This image lacks the salt bucket that is St. Rupert's usual attribute. The pottery vase in front of the painting perhaps supplies that function. In the foreground one of the putti presents him with a painting of Hohensalzburg Castle, a reference to the saint's having established the church and monastery that became the nucleus of the city of Salzburg.

Hohensalzburg Castle (source: Wikimedia Commons):

The Black Madonna of Altötting

Another putto offers Rupert a model of the Black Madonna of Alötting, which graces the chapel where he performed his first baptism in Bavaria. The putto behind the saint holds the symbols of his office as bishop, the mitre and crozier.

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Read more about St. Rupert.

Photographed at the church by Richard Stracke, shared under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.